I don't think Bridge CS3 behaves as nice as it should when you have dual monitors. The biggest problem being that when it saves a workspace it only saves the current window.
One solution to run Bridge in windowed mode (as opposed to full-screen mode) and make the window wide enough to span both monitors. This works pretty well if both monitors have the same number of pixels vertically, if they don't forget it.
The second solution is a bit more of a pain each time you start Bridge, but you may find it gives you more control. (And if you always keep Bridge running, and only reboot every week or so, it's not much extra effort at all.)
Initial Setup:
- Open Bridge and configure panels with thumbnails, meta-data and anything else you would like on one screen. Save the workspace (assign it at name like “Dual-Content” AND a function key, I use Ctrl-F9 for this because I have it on the right screen and and I use Ctrl-F8 for the window on the left screen). If like your windows full-screen, be sure they are before saving the workspace.
- Next configure panels you would like to see on the second screen. Here I have a full-screen Preview panel, but you can also have some minimized panels on the side, or in tabs behind the Preview. Save this workspace (assign it a name like “Dual-Preview” and a function key, I use Ctrl-F8).
- Start Bridge and whichever window (left or right monitor) you closed last will open.
- Use Ctrl+Alt+N to get a second, synchronized window (not Ctrl+N which just gives you a new window). Change to windowed-mode and drag this window to the second screen.
- Since this window is active, use the shortcut you define to change the layout of this window. (Either Ctrl+F8 or Ctrl+F9 in my case depending on which side needs changing.)
Check Back, I plan to add screen shots to illustrate.
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