Facebook: Settings

by Wren McMains

When you first join Facebook, you can ignore the Settings, unless all the e-mails from Facebook annoy you, see below. However, once you join a network (more or networks later), there are some I recommend you look at. Go to Settings:

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Then choose Privacy Settings and you should get this page:

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Choose Profile and if you haven't joined a network you'll see something like this:

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Everything is set to "Just Friends". Once you join a network the setting look something like this:

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That means the 100,000 plus people in my regional network can see everything about me. Probably not what I want. I used the pull-downs and reset most things to "Just Friends" ... some I set to "Friends of Friends":

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Be sure to use the "Save Changes" button to actually save what you changed. Every time you join a network, go back and check these settings. Once I joined a second network things got more complicated. Now the top part of the page looked like this, everything was set to "Custom":

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The good news is you can let people on one network see things that those on another network can't ... you just need to be aware this is happening and keep your privacy under control. There's also the "Contact Information" tab on the same page. I reset at least the bottom three:

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Just for completeness, the following screen shots show the other Privacy settings currently available. As far as I know these are the defaults, I didn't bother to change any of them (I did change notifications, see below):

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I quickly found all the e-mails I was getting from Facebook to be very annoying. You can control them by choosing Settings / Account Settings:

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And then going to the "Notifications" tab where you'll see:

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As you see below I turned off a lot of the notifications. You'll have to decide for yourself which ones you want. It's been reported that some of these e-mail notifications get turned off automatically, but I'm not sure under what circumstances. Can anyone verify this?

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Suggested next choices: Site Map
Copyright Wren McMains, 2009
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