Firefox Options

by Wren McMains

With any program, I always find it useful to look through the options when I first use it and again every few months. The options allow you to customize its behavior to your liking; by looking through the options you have a sense of what's possible.

I'm include all the (version 3) options menus below, so you can see what options I currently use. Over time, I'll try and highlight the ones I recommend you consider changing.

Firefox Options

Firefox Options

I recommend using the "Tab Browsing" settings above, and installing the "Tab Mix Plus" add-on ... where most of the control over "Tab Browsing" can be found. Click to see the Tab Mix Plus Options I use.

Firefox Options

By clicking on "Advanced" button to the right of "Enable JavaScript" (blue arrow above), one sees:

Firefox Options

By default, many of the boxes above are checked. I'm not sure I want scripts from some website doing any of these things.

Because I have a very high resolution screen (2560x1600) I have also changed the font sizes Firefox uses (red arrows above and below), you should pick sizes appropriate to your screen resolution and eyesight. (You access the menu below via the "Advanced" button (green arrow) on the Content menu above.)

Firefox Options

Firefox Options

Note that all the settings on the right are really pull-downs. For example, by default Adobe Acrobat PDF files are probably shown in your browser ... I like to either save them to files or have it ask me what to do:

Firefox Options

And here I've changed "mailto" (e-mail addresses you can click on) to use Gmail:

Firefox Options

Firefox Options

Firefox Options

Firefox Options

Firefox Options

Firefox Options

Firefox Options

Firefox Options

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